COVID-19 Guidance

Important information and guidelines for tenants

Dear Students,

The emergency situation to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in Estonia continues. In relation to that Academic Hostel reminds you the rules and regulations that need to be followed:

  • Due to continued emergency situation, it is forbidden to receive guests in the student residences. It is necessary to avoid possible spread of the virus.
  • Stay inside! Please avoid contact with other people and behave in a responsible manner.
  • Please follow hygiene rules, wash hands with soap and warm water frequently. In public places use hand disinfectants.
  • Make sure to follow the 2+2 rule issued by the government. It means that at least a 2-meter distance must be maintained between people in public spaces, and no more than two people may be together in a public place.
  • In case you wait for coronavirus test results or your test is positive, you need to stay in your room in order to prevent further spread of the virus. All tenants, who share the room and flat with someone who is ill, need to stay inside as well.
  • In case you have the virus, please inform Academic Hostel by email or by phone (+372) 620 2275.


  • If you have symptoms like (cough, fever, difficulty to breathe) call your family physician or family physician advisory line 1220 or +372 634 6630. You are advised what to do. Do not go to the doctor or hospital, as you may spread the virus.
  • If you have questions related to coronavirus, please call the Emergency Response Centre’s Hotline 1247. The phone operates 24/7 and is free of charge.
  • In the event of severe breathing difficulties or shortness of breath, call 112. It is important not to go outside for help or to the hospital’s emergency room, so that you do not spread virus.

Please follow closely all recommendations made by the Health Board and the Foreign Ministry in order to avoid corona and other viruses: and

Stay inside! Stay healthy!

Academic Hostel





If you have any questions about the Academic Hostel or if you need help making the reservation do not hesitate to contact us by using the contact information given below.